- Enrollment at MIT ACSC carries with it obligations and responsibilities in regard to proper conduct at all times and in all places.
- The student is expected to maintain the standards as expected by the college so long as he/she enjoys the privilege of being a student.
- Any regulation adapted and announced by the college administration during the year has the same force as those published in the prospectus.
- Any student who enjoys the privileges of the college campus but does not accept and discharge freely the responsibilities that go with the privileges, and who is not in harmony with the aims, objectives and standards of the college and is unwilling to observe its rules and regulations, will not be retained.
- Feeling of togetherness should be cherished irrespective of cast creed, religion, color, gender of an individual.
- The sense of safety, thoughtfulness, respect and courtesy towards each other should be developed and followed.
- Proper decorum, respect and honor should be observed when Vishwashanti prayer, National Anthem and Pasaydan played.
- Identity cards should be worn inside the campus daily.
- Prompt and regular attendance at all college appointments is mandatory.
- Academic responsibilities should be completed honestly.
- Bullying, violence, racism, sexual harassment, verbal abuse and any action which intrudes on others' individual rights will not be tolerated.
- Students are urged not to indulge in any activity within or outside the campus that may be construed as or amounts to ragging. Action will be taken if found involved in any such activity directly or indirectly.
- Possessing, using or making accessible any kind of harmful drugs, tobacco, pan, liquor etc. are strongly prohibited.
- Vandalism is a serious offence. Damage to the college & campus property due to negligence/lack of care would attract punishment and compensation for loss caused.
- The green campus initiatives should be fostered to culture self-sustainability and clean campus.
- Outsiders are strictly prohibited in the campus without specific permission of the authorities.
- It is understood and taken for granted by the college authorities that the student has read the rules and regulation of the college and promises to abide by them.